This study examines patterns of estrogen exposure during the reproductive years and risk of depression during the MT and early postmenopausal years.Ī longitudinal, US community-based, multiethnic study of menopause. reports suggest that duration of exposure to estradiol throughout the adult years may also play a role in vulnerability to depression. Importantly, not all women report depressive symptoms during the MT, and recent.

Research to date provides limited support for the hypothesis that estrogen fluctuations play a role in the greater susceptibility to midlife depression. It is expected that the said hospital implement an anticipation action toward women in fertile age to do an early detection and handling breast cancer with SADARI, mammografi, chemotherapy, and operation to prevent the breast cancer to develop to an advanced stadium.Keywords: menarche age, breast cancerĭepression risk increases during the menopausal transition (MT) and initial postmenopausal years-both times of significant fluctuations of estrogen. The conclusion of this research is that there is a relation between menarche age and breast cancer case in RSUD Dr. The value of x2 of the counting is 21.710 and the value of p = 0,001. The result of this research, from 92 respondents who suffer breast cancer, 85 respondents are experiencing the menarche age <10 years with status of stadium III.

The sampling technique being used is random sampling and the technique of data analysis is chi square. The population of breast cancer is 3516 people whom after being categorized in inclusion and exclusion there found 1217 people for sample. The method of research is correlational, with retrospective time approach. The purpose of this research is to know about the relation between menarche age and breast cancer case in RSUD Dr. The data of breast cancer’s medical record of RSUD Dr Moewardi in 2014, there were found 3.526 cases. The risk factors of breast cancer are including: age factor, genetic factor, smoking habit, the use of hormonal and oral contraception, unhealthy life style, no experience of breast-feeding, and menstruation which came too early. According to the Ministry of Health in 2012 the cases of breast cancer amounting 40 per 100.000 women and the breast cancer cases in Central Java are 11.341 cases. MOEWARDI SURAKARTA 2015ABSTRACTBreast cancer is a disease which happens caused by genetic breakdown on the DNA (mutation of BRCA and BRCA 2) of breast’s epitel cell spreading to lobular tissue. Moewardi Surakarta tahun 2014.Kata Kunci: Usia Menarche, Kanker PayudaraRELATIONSHIP AGE OF MENARCHE WITH BREAST CANCER EVENTS DI HOSPITAL DR. Kesimpulan: penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara usia menarche dengan kejadian kanker payudara di RSUD Dr. Hasil penelitian: Dari 92 responden yang mengalami kanker payudara terdapat 85 responden mengalami usia menarche <10 tahun dengan stadium III. Teknik sampling random sampling dengan pengambilan secara acak sistematis dan analisa data menggunakan uji chi square. Populasi kanker payudara sebanyak 3516 orang setelah dikriteria inklusi dan eksklusi didapatkan sampel 1217 orang. Metode penelitian: deskriptif korelasional, pendekatan waktu dengan retrospektif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan usia menarche dengan kejadian kanker payudara di RSUD Dr. Data rekam medik kanker payudara tahun 2014 di RSUD Dr. Faktor resiko kanker payudara pada wanita antara lain faktor usia, faktor genetik, perokok, memakai kontrasepsi hormonal dan oral, gaya hidup yang tidak sehat, wanita yang tidak pernah menyusui, dan mentruasi yang terlalu muda. Menurut Kemenkes (2012) insiden kanker payudara sebesar 40 per 100.000 perempuan dan kanker payudara di Jawa Tengah sebesar 11.341 kasus. Anna Uswatun Qoyyimah1), Triyas Yuliyani 2)1) 2) Prodi DIII Kebidanan Stikes Muhammadiyah KlatenE-mail: ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Kanker payudara adalah penyakit yang terjadi karena kerusakan genetik pada DNA (mutasi BRCA dan BCRA 2) dari sel epitel payudara menjalar ke jaringan lobular.